Zumershule: Youth Summer Program 2025
A two week program for youth ages 8-15 to learn and explore Jewish forms of artistic expression
Program Description
Take part in the inaugural year of Peretz's arts-based, community-focused Zumer (summer) camp for youth aged 8 to 15! Two weeks (10 days) from July 28th to August 8th: 🡪 Half-day arts-based workshops with Peretz community artists, creators, scholars, and elders 🡪 Half-day free time to explore creativity and imagination and experiment with artistic practices 🡪 Final day of program ends with youth-led cultural shabbes potluck dinner (Friday, Aug. 8th) The Peretz Zumershule welcomes participants of all backgrounds and abilities and will include independent creative inquiry, structured activities, and outdoor play in nearby Tisdale Park. Bring your talents, curiosity, interests, and unique selves! Neurodiverse, BIPOC, and queer/trans/two-spirit youth will be enthusiastically welcomed. Learn more here: https://www.peretz-centre.org/the-peretz-school/peretz-zumershule-summer-camp ***Schedule*** DATES: Weekdays from July 28-Aug. 8 (including BC Day on Mon., Aug. 4). Please mark down the community Fraytik tsu Nakht shabbes potluck dinner on Fri., Aug. 8 (5-8pm). TIMES: 9:30am to 4:30pm, with possible early drop-off or late pick-up based on need. LOCATION: 6184 Ash Street, Vancouver Bring your own lunch and snacks! Food is not included in this program. ***Registration & Program Fees*** The Peretz Zumershule has a limited number of spots available in two cohorts for ages 8-11 and 12-15. (We hope to welcome younger kids in future years!) To reserve your spot(s), (1) pay the deposit from this page and (2) complete the participant information form (will be sent to your email automatically upon payment). Program fees or a confirmed payment plan are due by May 1, 2025 to complete registration. Payment plans are available upon request via the participant information form. Program fees are offered on a sliding scale to reduce financial access barriers: • At cost ($75/day, $750 total) • Supporter ($90/day, $900 total) • Community-funded ($50/day, $500 total) • Discounted (2 children from the same family or household at $60/day, $1200 total) If you have questions, please contact the Peretz office at info@peretz-centre.org Image credit: Lufṭ zun ṿaser by Julian Liebermann, ca. 1926 (New York Public Library)
Upcoming Classes
Registration Policies
***Changes to Program*** In order to best support participants and families, we may change aspects of the program according to registration information and enrollment (for example, number of cohorts and counsellors, activities, etc.). Any changes made to the program will be made in consultation with families of participants and finalized before July 11th, 2025. ***Health & Safety*** The Peretz staff and volunteers will do our best to accommodate the needs of all participants and communicate transparently with families. Relevant information for health and safety must be provided in the registration form and/or via email to admin@peretz-centre.org. Participants must bring their own food and follow any guidelines provided by the Peretz Centre with regards to health and safety of all participants. This may include restrictions on certain allergens, if necessary. We ask that participants stay home if they have symptoms of a communicable illness. ***Program Fees*** In order to meet budgetary requirements, program fees are payable no later than May 1, 2025 to complete registration and retain your spot. Alternative arrangements will be made for payment plans on a case-by-case basis. ***Cancellations & Refunds*** Requests for refunds will be granted up to June 30th, 2025. In the case of illness or other unavoidable absences, the Peretz community will provide prorated refunds of up to 50% per day upon request. To request a refund, please email admin@peretz-centre.org
Contact Details
The Peretz Centre for Secular Jewish Culture
Peretz Centre for Secular Jewish Culture, Ash Street, Vancouver, BC, Canada
(604) 325-1812